Failure Quotes

Looking for good quotes on failure & success? Wondering what it take to succeed? If you believe these quotes, it takes failing first. It seems that failure tends to be more public than success. Or at least that’s what we perceive it to be. We fret it, we try to avoid it, and we question ourselves every time we have unconventional ideas. But the simple truth is – no great success was ever achieved without failure. Failure is the stepping stone to success, as long as you learn from it. Focus on the actions needed to be taken and fail fast so that you learn what not to do. Failure shows that you are trying, it is so easy to just remain in the ‘easy zone’ just getting by living life without taking any action, but that is not how we grow as individuals. Best Failure Quotes Images, Failure Status Wallpapers, Failure Quotes Images for facebook & whatsapp status, Failure Quotes Image For Students & friends

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